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Below are some of our ministries. Because we are constantly evolving to meet the needs of members and our community, some programs might not be listed yet.

Children & Family


Sunday is offered Sundays during the school year. Students will start out in worship with their families at 9:30 a.m. and then be dismissed to Sunday School with Mr. Steve and Lori Lynn after the gospel reading. During the summer we offer Vacation Bible School. Other family activities are held throughout the year, including a monthly activity and movie night. See our event page for upcoming events.



Our youth program includes confirmation classes, service projects and several activities throughout the year. Youth often have an active roll in worship services. In the past some of our youth have worked at Lutheran Lakeside Camp in Spirit Lake, Iowa, sharing their faith with others. Activities especially for youth are scheduled throughout the year.

Wider Ministries


Our wider ministries team helps with local as well as community needs. This includes gathering items for organizations, hosting "joyful noise" each month to collect funds for organizations, organizating volunteers, delivering meals on wheels, organizing Angel Tree collections and more.

Worship & Music


The worship service takes many hands to complete all the preparations: acolytes and ushers, to Communion assistants and lectors. It is a wonderful way to help the church in one of its most important functions-communal worshipping of God.


Music is an integral part of worship. Emanuel's music programs include the Emanuel Choir and Da Band. Our youth and children also add music and drama at various times of the year.


If you are a member of Emanuel and would like to help with worship, host coffee hour or provide altar flowers, please click on the buttons below to sign up through Sign Up Genius!

Women of Emanuel


The Mission Action Group Meets on most Wednesday mornings and in 2022 they finished 100 quilts to donate to Lutheran World Relief and local agencies. The women of Emanuel also help with several service projects.

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